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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to earn money through blogging ?

The best way to earn money online is blogging, which means that you create a website on the Internet where you write a lot of posts about a main topic. Blogging is one of the main part of Digital Marketing and SEO Services.

Now the topic generally talked about really depends on what field you know about and or what field you want to tell people about. You can create your own blog or website about that topic.

And to promote the blog among the people, you search Google's results where you try to bring your blog posts to the top through SEO as well as the related page from your blog on Facebook and all social media platforms You create and share your articles through which people reach your blog.

Now as soon as people start visiting your blog, you can earn money through blogging mainly in 3 ways.

Google Adsense

Now when people start visiting your blog, you can submit your blog to google adsense account after which your blog will be reviewed and then when your blog is approved then you can place ads on your blog and if If any visitors who visit your blog click on those ads, then you are paid by Google.

Affiliate Marketing

Another way to earn money through blogging is affiliate marketing.  What happens in this is that there are many companies that run affiliate programs to promote their product and service among the people.

Now when you are a blogger, you write a related article from a topic which is related to the product of a company, then by joining their affiliate program, you get a banner code from which you can place it on your blog and Now, if any of those who come to your blog every day, click on that banner and reach the website of the website and purchase something from there, then you get its commission.

Sponsored post

When you become a big blogger and millions of people visit your blog in a month, read your post, then you are asked to write a sponsored post by many companies which are related to the topic of your blog for which they are ready to give you good money too.

So finally you have come to know how you can earn money online by blogging in these ways.

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